Category Archives: Newsletters

February 2019 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Lunch Bunch –
Thursday, February 7 at 12:00pm

Check out, Love at First Bite, a much buzzed about Thai restaurant that opened just a few weeks ago in Lex center.  It’s got a super cool interior and delicious Thai noodle and curry dishes.  

WHERE:  1710 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington
RSVP to Kim at

Bunco (& Left-Right-Center) – Monday, February 11 at 7:30 pm

Bring: $5 ante for Bunco; $3 for L-R-C (exact change appreciated!); and a beverage or snack to share

RSVP: email Kessa at to RSVP and for location details

About the Games: Bunco is an entertaining, simple dice game, with no experience requiredIt’s played in multiple rounds with players alternating turns rolling the dice to match the target number. Whoever wins the most rounds is the overall winner. And because players rotate tables, it is a great way to meet and chat with different people. Left-Right-Center is an even simpler game, faster moving than Bunco, and is played at the end of the evening. Did we mention there’s no experience required?

Book Club – Tuesday, February 12 at 7:30pm

The book for The Cuckoo’s Calling is a mystery by Robert Galbraith (J. K. Rowling’s pseudonym).  After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Detective Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator.  John Bristow walks through his door with an amazing story: His sister, the legendary supermodel Lula Landry, known to her friends as the Cuckoo, famously fell to her death a few months earlier. The police ruled it a suicide, but John refuses to believe that. The case plunges Strike into the world of multimillionaire beauties, rock-star boyfriends, and desperate designers, and it introduces him to every variety of pleasure, enticement, seduction, and delusion known to man.
Members are kindly asked to bring a beverage or snack to share. Please remember to RSVP so that the host will know how many to accommodate for at her home.  Location details will be sent out the day before the meeting. 
RSVP by Monday, February 11th to Priya at

As a reminder, the reading list for the entire year can be found on the LNN website under the tab for Book Club.

Stump Trivia Night – Monday, February 25 at 6:30pm

Join us in a friendly competition where relevant facts take a backseat to the trivia! Hosted by Kings Bowl in Burlington, join team LNN to socialize and answer random trivia questions. We play in teams of six, with absolutely no pressure to get correct answers! There is no fee to play; purchase food and drinks at your own discretion.  

When? Monday, February 25
6:30pm—arrive, get organized into teams, order food/drinks
7:00pm—gameplay begins
Where? Kings Bowl, 52 Second Ave., Burlington (across from Wegmans)
RSVP: Please email Lesley at

Coffee Talk – Wednesday, February 27, 10:30-12:30

Start your day off with coffee, nibbles and conversation with your LNN friends.   Note the later start this month (10:30 rather than the usual 10:00am) 

No RSVP: Just drop in! 

Host: Netice Dokmecioglu.  Any questions, email Angela at

Men’s Pub Night – Thursday, February 28, 7:30-11:00pm

Details to follow in the Weekly Happenings.

Walking Group – Tuesdays at 9am

It’s been chilly, but snow and ice hasn’t been too bad on Tuesdays so we’re still mostly walking outdoors (though we did switch it up and cross country ski last week, which was super fun.  Join us next time, all levels welcome!).  If it is really snowy or icy, then the walk may be switched to the Burlington Mall or coffee at Starbucks.  Email Deb at to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details.

Save the Date

Boston Public Library Tour
Wednesday, March 13
Join us for a private guided art and architecture tour in the Boston Public Library.  Meet us for coffee and a snack in the library’s Newsfeed Cafe at 11am.  Tour will begin at 12pm.  RSVP by February 28 to Natalie at or 847/494-5349.  Further details about parking, carpooling, etc. will be sent to those who RSVP.

LexRAP Volunteer Opportunity
Tuesday, March 19
LNN is providing the volunteers for LexRAP’s monthly lunch program “Building Bridges One Meal at a Time”.  The goal is to offer a healthy meal, give the refugees an opportunity to practice their English, and to connect with one another.  We need people to help prepare the lunch, bake brownies, and go to Lowell to deliver and share the meal.  Click this link to sign up for specific jobs and times. Contact Nassma at with any questions.

Wine Tasting
Saturday, March 23 at 7pm
Details to follow in the March newsletter.

January 2019 Newsletter

Happy New Year, Neighbors and Newcomers! Make one of your new year’s resolutions to attend more LNN events. Hope to see you around and please let us know if you have any suggestions for the new year. As always, you can email us at Also, don’t forget the LNN Member Directory is now available on the website, so check it out and connect with other members.

Upcoming Events

Lunch Bunch – Tuesday, January 8 at 12:00pm

Let’s ring in the new year with a lovely Japanese lunch at Lexington’s own Daikanyama.  The menu features sushi and other Japanese favorites like tempura, teriyaki and tonkatsu.  Plus you’ll enjoy laughs and conversation with fellow LNN members.

WHERE:  43 Waltham St, Lexington
RSVP to Kim at

Book Club – Thursday, January 10 at 7:30pm

The book for January will be Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.  Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. It is Raymond’s big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one.  Please join us at the circle for discussion!

Members are kindly asked to bring a beverage or food to share.
RSVP by Monday, January 7th:  email Priya at for location details

Coffee Talk – Wednesday, January 16, 10:00-12:00 

Start your day off with coffee, nibbles and conversation with your LNN friends.

No RSVP: Just drop in!

Host: Susan Silber.  Any questions, email Angela at

Men’s Pub Night – Thursday, January 17,  7:30-11:00pm

Time to put 2018 firmly behind us and look ahead to the important things in life.  Like places where men can gather around huge fermentation vats.  A local brewery, Mighty Squirrel, has opened a taproom in Waltham at 411 Waverley Oaks Rd.  Expressions of intent sent to are appreciated. 🍺🥃

Movie Night – Thursday, January 31 in the evening

We’ll catch a movie at the Lexington Venue then go out for drinks afterwords at Il Casale.  Join us for the movie, drinks or both.  Movie time and title to be announced in an upcoming Weekly Happening, once the movie schedule is released.

RSVP: email Lesley at to RSVP

Walking Group – Tuesdays at 9am

Weather has not been cooperating with us on Tuesdays this fall, but walking group is still going strong and will continue through the winter months.  If it is really snowy or icy, then the walk may be switched to the Burlington Mall or coffee at Starbucks.  Email Deb at to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details.

Ladies Night Out

New Member Ladies’ Pub Night – Thursday, January 24 at 7:30pm
Join us for a fun, informal night of cocktails and conversation.  This event is intended for all LNN members, but especially for those who have recently joined – in order to meet other “new newcomers” – plus any prospective members.  So if you know of anyone new to town or looking to expand their social circle, please spread the word about this event!
Location: the bar at Beijing Chinese Dining,1709 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington.
RSVP: email Kessa at to RSVP

Community Happenings


For almost fifty years the Lexington Ski Club has catered to avid snow sport families. Members enjoy comfortable accommodations at our lodge located in the White Mountains, prepared hot meals during ski season, and after ski activities such as board games and ping pong.  If your family likes to ski or snowboard and appreciates cooperative living, the Lexington Ski Club might be for you.  Currently, we are accepting applications for new members.  For additional information, please contact Cathy Fahy at or 781-863-2052 or Joe Scholl at or 781-891-1832 or visit our website


Join LNN member Farhana Stevenson on January 21 at 10am in her home for a free 1-hour class.  Essentrics is a a full body stretching and toning workout. It is great for toning your waist, abs, legs, buttocks and arms. It also helps to improve posture. Essentrics is a combinatioin of tai chi, pilates and ballet. It promotes lean, long muscles without pain. Weekly Essentrics exercise helps rebalance your body, protects you from injury and improves your overall form. For more information, contact Farhana at


Boston Central has an email newsletter that is a wonderful resource for fun activities for all ages in Boston and the surrounding suburbs.  To subscribe, click the following link:

December 2018 Newsletter

Dear Neighbors and Newcomers,

The holidays are a wonderfully busy time of year, so be sure to save time for at least one (or more!) of the many festive events we have planned this month. Hope to see many new and familiar faces at these upcoming events. We wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season.

Katie and Pam (LNN Co-Presidents)

Upcoming Events

Annual Holiday Party – Saturday, December 8th, 7-10:30pm

Toast the holidays with your fellow Neighbors & Newcomers for one of our biggest events of the year, the annual Holiday Party. Join us at Sanyo, a newly opened Asian restaurant in Lexington center. Appetizers provided by LNN and there will be a cash bar. Feel free to stay for the entire party or drop in for a quick hello. Kindly RSVP to the Evite that was sent out on November 15. If you have any questions, please contact Nassma at or Sadia at

Book Club – Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30pm

Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance is a passionate and personal analysis of the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country. The decline of white working-class Americans has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm – but never before been written about as searingly from the inside. Former marine and Yale Law School graduate, J.D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like. It is a deeply moving memoir, with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures – a story of how upward mobility really feels.

Come and join us for a fun and festive holiday Book Club!

Host: Sheila Tweeddale
RSVP to Priya at

Holiday Lunch Bunch – Friday, December 7 at 12:00pm

Enjoy a festive and elegant lunch at Lexington’s lovely Artistry on the Green. A $28 Price Fixe Menu includes a starter, main dish as well as coffee or tea (tip not included). Space is limited to 20 for this annual and fun event, so RSVP ASAP! Also, in the spirit of holiday giving we are asking you to bring items for the Lexington Food Bank.

WHERE: 2027 Mass. Ave, Lexington
RSVP to Kim at by December 4

Bunco (& Left-Right-Center) – Tuesday, December 11 at 7:30pm

Bring: $5 ante for Bunco; $3 for L-R-C (exact change appreciated!); and a beverage or snack to share

RSVP: email Kessa at to RSVP and for location details

About the Games: Bunco is an entertaining, simple dice game, with no experience required. It’s played in multiple rounds with players alternating turns rolling the dice to match the target number. Whoever wins the most rounds is the overall winner. And because players rotate tables, it is a great way to meet and chat with different people. Left-Right-Center is an even simpler game, faster moving than Bunco, and is played at the end of the evening. Did we mention there’s no experience required?

Coffee and Cookies – Thursday, December 13, 10:00-12:00

Join us for our regular monthly coffee talk with a bonus cookie swap. If you would like to participate in the cookie swap, please bring 2 dozen of your favorite baked holiday cookie/treats and a container to carry them home. And if you want to skip the swap and just chat over coffee, that is fine too. Looking forward to tasting everyone’s yummy treats!

Host: Pam Richter

No RSVP, just drop in! Contact Angela at with any questions.

Walking Group – Tuesdays at 9am

Weather has not been cooperating with us on Tuesdays this fall, but walking group is still going strong and will continue through the winter months. If it is really snowy or icy, then the walk may be switched to the Burlington Mall or coffee at Starbucks. Email Deb at to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details.

Community Happenings

Taste of Lexington: Thursday, December 6, 5-9:30pm. Lexington Mavens, Lexington Retail Association and Lexington Chamber of Commerce have partnered together to encourage shopping and dining locally. Retailers and restaurants in Lex center are taking part with offers, canapes and cocktails and enticing you to shop. There will be live music and even activities to keep the kids busy while you shop. Bring your family and friends and come out to support our town!

Find out more details at: Taste of Lexington Event Overview

November 2018 Newsletter

It was great seeing so many of you at the October Kick-Off Cocktail Party! It kicked off what is sure to be another fun year for Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers. Now let’s keep that momentum going – hope to see you at our November events.

Upcoming Events

23rd Annual Battlegreen Run – Sunday, November 4 at 11:15am

The 23rd Annual Genesis Batttlegreen Run is around the corner! Join your Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers friends, as well as runners and walkers from LexFun!, for a family-friendly 5k/10k and support a cause near and dear to LNN – Cure Sanfilippo Foundation. Spencer, 4 year old son of a current board member, has been diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome – a terminal, progressive disease likened to childhood Alzheimer’s.

Whether you fundraise or not, you can still sign up for the race and be part of the Spencer’s Sprinters team. It’s a really fun race right here in Lexington.

How to Register: Visit, select “Online Registration”, select a Registration Choice (5K Run, 10K Run, etc). When at the “Team Selection” page, select “Join Existing Team” and type “Spencer” and “Spencer’s Sprinters” should appear as a team for you to join.

How to Fundraise: After completing your registration for the run, you can fundraise for our team! To join our Cure Sanfilippo Foundation fundraising team, visit Create your profile by clicking “Join The Team” mid-page on the right.

Contact Peg at with any questions. We look forward to seeing you and cheering you on!!

Walking Group – Tuesdays at 9am

Everyone is welcome to join the walking group each Tuesday. The location of each walk varies to keep it interesting – we aim for about 90 minute walks. Deb will email the night before with the location (waiting until Monday evening avoids last minute changes due to weather). Some paths are flatter / stroller friendly and some are not – we’ll do our best to let you know trail conditions beforehand. No RSVP necessary – just show up, ready to walk. If you’re running late, call or text Deb & we’ll make arrangements to meet you.

Email Deb at to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details.

Book Club – Thursday, November 8 at 7:30pm

This month’s book is The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer. Amy mines her past for stories about her teenage years, her family, relationships, and sex and shares the experiences that have shaped who she is – a woman with the courage to bare her soul to stand up for what she believes in, all while making us laugh. Ranging from the raucous to the romantic, the heartfelt to the harrowing, this highly entertaining and universally appealing collection is the literary equivalent of a night out with your best friends – an unforgettable and fun adventure that you wish could last forever.

Host: Peg Smith, RSVP to Priya at

Please note that Book Club in December will be held a week earlier than usual. We are including information regarding the December book so that members will have enough time to read the book before the meeting.

Book Club – Tuesday, December 4 at 7:30pm

December’s book will be Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance. Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis—that of poor, white Americans. J.D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hanging around your neck. A deeply moving memoir, with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels

Coffee Talk – Wednesday, November 14, 10:00-12:00

Start your day off with coffee, nibbles and conversation with your LNN friends.

No RSVP: Just drop in!

Host: Nathalie Reynolds. Any questions or if you are interested in hosting a future coffee, email Angela at


Men’s Pub Night – Thursday, November 15 at 7:30pm

Responding to popular demand, our next Pub Night will shift venues to Common Ground Bar & Grill in Arlington (address is 319 Broadway but front is visible from Mass Ave). Common Ground is a short distance from the beginning of the Minuteman Bike Path. Great selection of craft beers, live music, bar food and — wait for it — open until midnight! Expressions of interest sent to Norm at are appreciated, so that Norm can let Common Ground know what space to set aside.

Lunch Bunch – Friday, November 16 at 12:00pm

Dine among 300 years of history at Merchant’s Row restaurant in Concord’s Colonial Inn. The menu features salads, sandwiches/burgers and entrees including chicken pot pie, jambalaya and roasted Atlantic salmon.

WHERE: 48 Monument Square, Concord RSVP or QUESTIONS: Kim at

Comedy Night – Sunday, November 18 at 7:00pm

What could be more fun, funny and fabulous than a Comedy Night just for the Lexington Neighbors and Newcomers?! We have six local comedians coming to perform just for us!! The ArtLounge in Arlington will host our group for the evening. Wine, beer and light snacks will be available for purchase. This event is free of charge to members and can accommodate 40 adults. Please sign up early, using the Eventbrite link below, to reserve your spot.

WHERE: 1346 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington

QUESTIONS: email Lesley at


Ladies’ Pub Night – Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30pm

After the success of last month’s Ladies’ Pub Night, we’ve decided to repeat a good thing (and for you bunco fans, don’t worry….bunco will be back in December). The location is still tbd and will be announced in a subsequent Weekly Happenings email. No need to RSVP, but if there are questions, please contact Kessa at

DIY Holiday Floral Arrangements – Friday, November 30 10:00am-12:00pm

Join us for a DIY Floral Holiday Arrangement Party complete with hot cider and cookies!

Bring your own vessel, different greeneries from your garden, the woods or the floral shop! Based on what you are planning to create you can also bring decorative items like candles, ornaments, dried fruits or cinnamon sticks…

October 2018 Newsletter

A FRIENDLY REMINDER!! Don’t forget to renew your 2018-2019 LNN membership!! This will be your last newsletter/weekly happening unless you renew by the end of the week. See membership information in the “Announcements” section at the bottom of the newsletter.

Upcoming Events

Boston Harbor Walk – Tuesday, October 2 at 9:45am

Our regular Tuesday walk will take a road trip to Boston to explore the Harborwalk. This beautiful walk goes all along Boston’s harbor, connecting many of Boston’s most beloved neighborhoods. We’ll stop for lunch along the way and be back in Lexington by 3pm. We will meet at Starbucks on Bedford St at 9:45 and carpool into Boston from there.

RSVP to Deb at details.

Book Club – Wednesday, October 10 at 7:30pm

This month’s book is “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas. Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr. But what Starr does or does not say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.

Host: Sue Denham

RSVP to Priya at

Kick-Off Cocktail Party – Friday, October 12 7:00-9:00pm

Kick-off the new LNN season by joining friends old and new at Aloft in Lexington. Appetizers will be served by the club and drinks will be available at the bar. All LNN members should have received an Evite invitation for this event – please RSVP via Evite. Numbers are limited, so please sign up soon! If you have questions, contact Nassma at or Sadia at

John F. Kennedy House Tour – Wednesday, October 17 at 10:30am

The JFK House in Brookline, a National Historic Site, is the birthplace and childhood home of JFK, the 35th President of the U.S.. Our own LNN private tour starts at 10:30am and lasts 30-40 minutes. Admission is FREE! After the tour we’ll walk 2 blocks for lunch at Zaftig’s Deli (yum!!).

RSVP to Natalie at for the tour, lunch or both. Carpools can be organized from Lexington once Natalie has all the RSVPs.

Ladies’ Pub Night – Thursday, October 18 at 7:30pm

Bunco is taking a break this month and we’re replacing it with a Ladies’ Pub Night. If this is a hit we may consider alternating months between Bunco and Pub Night. This month we’ll be at Via Lago from 7:30pm onward, so join us (we’ll have a table, so if you don’t see us ask the hostess for the LNN group). No need to RSVP, but if there are questions, please contact Kessa at

Lunch Bunch – Friday, October 19 at 12:00pm

Join us for some southern Italian food at Brelundi in Waltham (185 Crescent St). Homemade pastas, pizzas, arancini, and desserts plus delicious salads and paninis are what Brelundi is known for. Come hungry!

RSVP to Kim at

Coffee Talk – Wednesday, October 24, 10:00-12:00

Start your day off with coffee and conversation with your LNN friends. Feel free to bring along friends/neighbors who may be interested in learning more about LNN.

No RSVP: Just drop in! Host: Natalie Auer. Any questions or if you are interested in hosting a future coffee, email Angela at

Walking Group – Tuesdays at 9am

Everyone is welcome to join the walking group each Tuesday. The location of each walk varies to keep it interesting – we aim for about 90 minute walks. Deb will email the night before with the location (waiting until Monday evening avoids last minute changes due to weather). Some paths are flatter / stroller friendly and some are not – we’ll do our best to let you know trail conditions beforehand. No RSVP necessary – just show up, ready to walk. If you’re running late, call or text Deb & we’ll make arrangements to meet you.

Email Deb at to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details.

Save the Date!

23rd annual Genesis Battle Green Run will take place Sunday, November 4 in Lexington. LexFUN! and Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers have joined forced to become a team: Spencer’s Sprinters, because a local pre-schooler needs our help! Lexington’s cutie-pie, Spencer Smith, has been diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome, a terminal, progressive disease – LIKENED TO CHILDHOOD ALZHEIMER’S, with devastating effects on the brain – that doesn’t have a cure…YET. We are participating in this race to help Spencer and other kids with Sanfilippo by raising money for the Cure Sanfilippo Foundation. We hope you’ll join our team!! You can do the 5K Walk, 5K Run or 10K Run. To register, visit and choose “Spencer’s Sprinters” when you join an Existing Team. After you have completed registration, you can begin to raise funds for our team by joining at Registered runners and walkers who create a Crowdrise profile and rasie $100 or more by October 15th will receive a FREE longsleeve Spencer’s Sprinters official race t-shirt. Questions? Contact Peg at


Don’t forget to renew your membership! Renew before October 1 (tomorrow!) to keep your membership up-to-date. Dues are $45 and entitles each household to our newsletter and access to all of our activities. There are two ways to pay: 1) Paypal or 2) By check – Send a check made out to the “Lexington Newcomers Club” to our Membership Chair: Claire Nedham, 33 Liberty Ave, Lexington, MA 02420. Note that new members are requested to complete a membership form . Please feel free to pass on membership information to any newcomers or neighbors who you think may be interested in joining!

Looking for a house to host Holiday Party – Whether you have been a member for years or joined last month, if you have a house that’s good for entertaining we would love to borrow it for our annual December Holiday Party. The LNN party planners take care of everything – they just need someone to offer up their home for one evening. If you are interested, contact Nassma at or Sadia at

Check us out on Facebook! LNN has a Facebook page where you can connect with other members, post pictures of events and find out about upcoming events. Visit us at and be sure to “like” us!

Want to get more involved with LNN? We are always looking for members to host events (bunco, parties, book club, coffee talk, etc) and likewise we are open to suggestions for new activities/excursions. If you are interested in hosting, have any suggestions or want to help out with LNN in any way contact us at