Category Archives: Newsletters

Sept 2016 Newsletter



What is Lexington Newcomers? The question came up at our last board meeting—and we unanimously agreed that it’s more than the name implies. LNC is for any resident with new circumstances, not just a new home. So please pass the word that even if you’re a long-time resident, if you are experiencing a life change involving a child, a partner, a job, or a home, we’d like to offer our friendship and support.

We are excited to start the season and we are planning some new events we hope you enjoy! Please always feel free to email us with questions and suggestions.

LNC Co-Presidents: April Smith & Alli Smith

Lunch Bunch

WED Sept 7 @ 12pm
Vine Brook Tavern, 20 Waltham St., Lexington

Rustic-chic taproom with horseshoe bar & upstairs dining for innovative New American cuisine.


Book Club

TUES Sept 13 @ 7:30 pm

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon
Christopher Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow. This improbable story of Christopher’s quest to investigate the suspicious death of a neighborhood dog makes for one of the most captivating, unusual, and widely heralded novels in recent years.

Coffee Talk

FRI Sept 16 @ 10am
Via Lago, 1845 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington
No RSVP required

Drop in. Drink coffee. Schmooze.

Join our Yahoo group!

Join our Yahoo group, LNC_MA, to email with other members. Share a great restaurant, ask a question, plan a meet-up. (You must be a member to join):

To subscribe, email:

To post a message, email:

To unsubscribe, email:

Help Wanted!

Many hands make light work—and we could use some hands. If you have a little extra time and you enjoy some camaraderie, there are several ways to get involved, both short- and longer-term:

▪ mail LNC flyers to new residents ▪ host a coffee ▪ update monthly LNC newsletter ▪ host our Fall kickoff party ▪ host or organize a cookbook party ▪ update seasonal “stuff-to-do-in-the-area” flyer ▪ have another idea? let us know! ▪

Email for more information.


Weeknight Escape
Spa Outing

TUES Sept 20 @ 7:30pm
Beersheba Nail & Spa, 10 Muzzey St., Lexington
RSVP by Sept 4

Our newest program, Weeknight Escapes, starts off the year with a spa night!! Treat yourself to any combination of manicure, pedicure and/or chair massage while you meet new friends and catch up with others!

Choose one or a combination of services, such as: basic manicure $15; basic pedicure $35; 10-minute chair massage $20, 20-minute chair massage $40, and many others. Spa pedicures (their specialty!) run $55-$100 and are 45-80 minutes. Check their website for a list of services.


TUES Sept 27
7:30pm—schmoozing begins
8:00pm—gameplay begins

RSVP to for location details.

Bunco is an entertaining, simple dice game, with no experience required. Join us! Ante for the game is $5. We ask that you also bring a drink or a snack of your choice.