Category Archives: Newsletters

April 2022 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

Spring is here, and we have started to enjoy meeting together again!  We had a great turnout at the spring party at Aloft, Lads’ night, Ladies’ night, Lunch bunch, Book club, walking group, coffee talk…and these are just our standing activities! It takes a village to organize all these events, and we would like to let you all know that we would love if you wanted to be more involved. There will be some board positions coming available for next term, so please email to learn more!

In April, we invite you to dance Bachata and Salsa. Yes, this is a first, thanks to Saskia and Helena! We also have many favorites on the calendar again in April.

Some of you may encounter difficulty receiving our Newsletter, as it sometimes goes into a spam/promotions filter. Usually searching your inbox for “[month] Newsletter” after the 1st Sunday of the month should allow you to find it, or you can always check the website or Facebook for the content as well.

We always welcome your ideas and feedback. Any questions or comments, feel free to email us at or post ideas/thoughts to the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group.

Your Newcomers & Neighbors Board

Bachata/Salsa Party @ Havana Club
Saturday, April 30 8pm

Join us on 4/30 for a Saturday Night Bachata/Salsa Party! 
We start with a beginner class at 9pm. At 10pm the party starts. Admission will be covered by LNN. Please note that this event is open to the public as well.
Of course we want you to enjoy connecting with your fellow Lexington Neighbors and Newcomers, so we will meet at 8pm for a drink at Havana Club before we kick off the dancing.
Some people have made reservations to dine at Little Donkey before the dancing (6pm). Everyone is on their own to make reservations as desired.

Please let Saskia know if you plan to attend, so we can be on the look out for you! 

Event Details

  • 9-10pm Bachata/Salsa Lessons (Beginner and Intermediate Lessons)
  • 10-2am Bachata/Salsa Dance Party

Please note that the Saturday Night Bachata/Salsa parties (and lessons) are 21+ (no exceptions). Parties have a zero tolerance policy toward bad behavior.

  • Dress Code: Smart Casual to Elegant (no work boots etc.)
  • Beer, Wine, Mixed Drinks, etc. available at Bar
  • No partner required
  • Beginners very welcome
  • No need to pre-register
  • Covid safety: Open to all fully vaccinated individuals. (Vax card or photo on phone can serve as proof.)

Music Format: 70% bachata, 25% salsa, 5% merengue/cha chaDirections to 288 Green St, Central Sq, Cambridge
Walking (from Red Line’s Central Stop): From Mass Ave take a left on Prospect St then a left on Green St. It is a one minute walk.

Driving: Take Storrow or Memorial Drive to River St, then turn right on Mass Ave, turn right on Pearl St, and turn right again on Green St.

Parking: There is a large, inexpensive ($2.25/hr, maximum $9/night) parking garage right next door – you can’t miss it!

Biking Group
Wednesdays, April 6/13/27 at 9:30am

Group will ride Lexington-Concord-Lexington on Bedford bike path – Battle Road loop (20 miles) with a coffee/chat break in Concord (for good measure) in the middle. All levels welcome but would recommend against fancy road bikes at this time (dirt paths will be saggy). Instead any hybrid bike will do! Please reach out to Alexia to express interest in this or future bike rides (she may also have a couple of bikes to spare if needed). Event is targeted for Wednesdays (the 6th, 13th, and 27th) and will be adjusted (timing, weather, location, length) as needed based on demand.

Ladies’ Night
Wednesday, April 13 7-10pm

Meet up with the ladies of LNN at Revolution Hall! Please RSVP to Saskia to ensure you receive the latest updates. Feel free to bring along a friend who might be interested in LNN as well!

Lads’ Night

Lads’ Night ventures to The Gaff on Moody St this month! Email Derek to be added to the Lex Mecs distribution list to find out more details about this and future outings.

Coffee Talk
Monday, April 25 @ 10:30am

Join us at Peet’s Coffee downtown this month for a drink and great company. Please RSVP to Jen to express interest so that you can receive updates in case anything changes!

Lunch Bunch
Thursday, April 28 at 12pm

Join us at The Painted Burro – Waltham for April lunch bunch. Please RSVP by April 25th to Carol! If you want to take a sneak peek at all the delicious options, please find the menu and more info on the restaurant’s website.

Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:30am

Weekly location will be sent to the walking group email distribution prior to the hike. Please reach out to Debbie with questions!

Book Club
Thursday, April 14 at 7pm

April’s Book Club will be on Thursday, April 14th, 2022 and we will be reviewing “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman.

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove comes a poignant comedy about a crime that never took place, a would-be bank robber who disappears into thin air, and eight extremely anxious strangers 
who find they have more in common than they ever imagined.

Viewing an apartment normally doesn’t turn into a life-or-death situation, but this particular open house becomes just that when a failed bank robber bursts in and takes everyone in the apartment hostage. As the pressure mounts, the eight strangers begin slowly opening up to one another and reveal long-hidden truths.

Rich with Fredrik Backman’s “pitch-perfect dialogue and an unparalleled understanding of human nature” (Shelf Awareness), Anxious People’s whimsical plot serves up unforgettable insights into the human condition and a gentle reminder to be compassionate to all the anxious people we encounter every day.

In order to ensure everyone’s health and comfort in an in-person gathering, we are suggesting that all participants take a Covid home test on the day of Book Club. This is not mandatory nor is proof of test required to attend.

RSVP by April 13th to On the morning of April 14th, we will email the time of the meeting and the address of our host to all.  Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.

Additional Upcoming Events

If you have hobbies or activities that you would like to share with other LNN members, please reach out to Helena to share more information and discuss the possibility of hosting an event!


  • To stay up to date on the latest news in between newsletters, please join our Facebook group!
  • Don’t forget about the Small Yet Mighty Winter Market (Lexington Farmers’ Market) with one date remaining (April 16th) in the winter season. And stay tuned for the Regular Season Market to gear back up starting in May!
  • Lexington Symphony has some great upcoming events to check out. Learn more and buy tickets on their website.
  • April 9 @ 3pm: Concert for Families – A Musical Journey Through Time! Featuring a special performance by a local 10-year-old violin prodigy. (Note: This concert for all ages is the field trip typically enjoyed by all Lexington 3rd graders pre-pandemic. All of the instruments are introduced as they join the orchestra in this engaging, interactive program. If you have a current 3rd or 4th grader, this is a chance for the whole family to see the program they weren’t able to attend when field trips were not possible. And no matter your age, if you’ve always wanted to know more about orchestras, now’s your chance!)
  • April 30 @ 7:30pm: Spring POPS! MUSIC, MOVIES, AND MEDIA
  • Consider some Spring cleaning to benefit the community. Lexington Human Services Department in Partnership with Catie’s Closet is hosting a Spring Clothing Drive for Local Kids. Click the photo to learn more.

March 2022 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

We are so excited to offer a variety of fun events in March, including an all-members countdown to spring social, our popular ladies’ & lads’ nights, and many other opportunities for fun with neighbors! In order to keep everyone safe, we ask that members follow CDC guidelines and use their best judgment when joining us for in-person events. We hope all of our families had an enjoyable February break filled with rest and relaxation, and we so look forward to seeing more faces again as people feel comfortable!

We always welcome your ideas and feedback. Any questions or comments, feel free to email us at or post ideas/thoughts to the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group.

Your Newcomers & Neighbors Board

Upcoming Events

Count Down to Spring
Thursday, March 3 7-10pm

Help us cheer on spring on Thursday evening at the Aloft Lexington (727 Marrett Rd A). 
Enjoy a cozy atmosphere with a pool table, tapas (provided), and cocktails (for purchase), including a special signature LNN Spring Cocktail.

All members are welcome for what is sure to be a fun evening!

Please sign up ASAP (today!) by emailing Saskia.

Book Club
Thursday, March 10 at 7pm

Hoping that we can get together in person for this month’s Book Club, join us on Thursday March 10th, to talk about “The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett.

#1 New York Times Bestseller, one of Barack Obama’s favorite books of the year, named a best book of 2020 by NYT, Washington Post, NPR, People, Time Magazine & Vanity Fair,  “The Vanishing Half” is the story of twin sisters, inseparable as children, who ultimately choose to live in two very different worlds, one black and one white.

After growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it’s not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it’s everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Many years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters’ storylines intersect?

In order to ensure everyone’s health and comfort in an in-person gathering, we are suggesting that all participants take a Covid home test on the day of Book Club. This is not mandatory nor is proof of test require to attend.

RSVP by March 9th to On the morning of March 10th, we will email the details, including the address of our host to all. Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.

Ladies’ Night
Wednesday, March 16 7-10pm

Ladies’ Night returns to Revolution Hall in March! Grab your favorite green attire and celebrate our St. Patrick’s Day theme if you choose. Please RSVP to Saskia to ensure you receive the latest updates. Feel free to bring along a friend who might be interested in LNN as well!

Lads’ Night

Lads’ Night returns in March! Email Derek to be added to the Lex Mecs distribution list to find out more details.

Lunch Bunch
Friday, March 25 at 12pm

Join us at Town Meeting Bistro at The Inn at Hastings Park for our March lunch bunch. Please RSVP by March 21st to Carol!

Learn more about the venue on their website.

Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:30am

Weekly location will be sent to the walking group email distribution prior to the hike. Please reach out to Debbie with questions!

Coffee Talk
Monday, March 28 10:30-11:30am

We are planning to meet up for coffee at a fun spot in Lexington. Location will be shared via email prior to the meet-up. Please RSVP to Jen!

Bunco Night
Wednesday, March 30 at 7pm

The ever popular Bunco Night is back! If you would be interested in participating, please email Lara to sign up and receive location details closer to the event date.

Additional Upcoming Events

If you have hobbies or activities that you would like to share with other LNN members, please reach out to Helena to share more information and discuss the possibility of hosting an event!


  • To stay up to date on the latest news in between newsletters, please join our Facebook group!
  • Please note that we do not typically solicit donations from our members via email. If you received a request for gift cards, please know that this is a common scam recently and you should not engage. Feel free to reach out to the LNN Board if you ever have questions about the legitimacy of a request.
  • Munroe Center for the Arts: Adult Playwriting Workshop

February 2022 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

We hope you are all staying warm and enjoying this Winter Wonderland! Members had tons of fun playing some virtual trivia and winning gift cards to local restaurants, and we have some additional virtual events in store for you. Our optimism remains high that the recent downward trends in the COVID-19 rates may be a positive indicator of some fun, in-person events again in our future.

We always welcome your ideas and feedback. Any questions or comments, feel free to email us at or post ideas/thoughts to the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group.

Your Newcomers & Neighbors Board

Upcoming Events

Book Club
Thursday, February 10 at 7pm

Let’s get together virtually on Thursday, February 10th, 2022 to discuss this month’s Book Club selection, Unorthodox. 

Unorthodox is the bestselling memoir and Netflix TV series by Deborah Feldman, a former member of the strictly religious Satmar sect of Hasidic Judaism, who grew up under a code of relentlessly enforced customs governing everything from what she could wear and to whom she could speak to what she was allowed to read. Yet in spite of her repressive upbringing, Deborah grew into an independent-minded young woman whose stolen moments reading about the empowered literary characters of Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott helped her to imagine an alternative way of life among the skyscrapers of Manhattan. Trapped as a teenager in a sexually and emotionally dysfunctional marriage to a man she barely knew, the tension between Deborah’s desires and her responsibilities as a good Satmar girl grew more explosive until she gave birth at nineteen and realized that, regardless of the obstacles, she would have to forge a path—for herself and her son—to happiness and freedom.

RSVP by February 8th to Due to COVID, Book Club will be meeting via Zoom again. Once you RSVP, we will send all participants the zoom invite the morning of February 10th.

Coffee Talk
Tuesday, February 15 11:30am-12:30pm

We are planning to meet up for coffee at a fun spot in Lexington. Location will be shared via email prior to the meet-up. Please RSVP to Jen!

Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:30am

Weekly location will be sent to the walking group email distribution prior to the hike. Please reach out to Debbie with questions!

Upcoming March Socials

Mark your calendars early, as we hope to get back together in person in March. We will provide appetizers and a couple of fun evenings. Please RSVP to Saskia so that we can communicate any additional details or changes.

  • Bring on Spring – Thursday, March 3 7-10pm – Aloft Lexington (All Members Welcome)
  • Ladies’ Night – Thursday, March 16 7-10pm – Revolution Hall


Munroe Center for the Arts: Adult Playwriting Workshop

  • Due to COVID spikes and the current weather not comfortably permitting most outdoor events, many activities will be paused or held virtually this month. Please be on the lookout for Bunco Night, Ladies’ and Lads’ Nights, Lunch Bunch, and more to return again at a later date! 

January 2022 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

Welcome to 2022! As we look back on 2021, it was another challenging year, yet we managed to have a lot of fun, meet each other in person multiple times, and even re-launched a few great activities, like Bunco and Lunch Bunch! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a nice, relaxing break with loved ones. We are looking forward to some fun, upcoming events in the new year but also want to be cautious and respectful of our community during the ongoing challenges. We will pause some indoor events and host some fun virtual activities in the meantime!

We always welcome your ideas and feedback. Any questions or comments, feel free to email us at or post ideas/thoughts to the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group.

Your Newcomers & Neighbors Board

Upcoming Events

Book Club
Thursday, January 13 at 7pm

Join us next Thursday, January 13th to talk about this month Book Club selection, The House of the Mosque, by Kader Abdolah.

Iran, 1969. Aqa Jaan’s family has lived in the house of the mosque for eight centuries. The house is teeming with life, played out under the watchful eyes of the storks that nest on the minarets above. But this family will experience upheaval unknown to previous generations. For in Iran, political unrest is brewing. The shah is losing his hold on power; the ayatollah incites rebellion from his exile in France; and one day the ayatollah returns. The consequences will be felt in every corner of Aqa Jaan’s family.

RSVP by January 11th to Due to the current COVID spike, we will be doing Book Club via Zoom this time around. Once you RSVP, we will send all participants the zoom invite the morning of January 13th.

Virtual Quiz Night
Date TBD

We are excited to host a virtual quiz night this month, exact day to be determined. Please email Saskia if you would like to receive additional details for this event as they are finalized!

Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:30am

Weekly location will be sent to the walking group email distribution prior to the hike. Please reach out to Debbie with questions!


  • Munroe Center for the Arts: January 10th begins the winter semester for classes in painting/drawing, theatre, and ceramics. There is something for all ages. Class and workshop information, and registration can be found at
  • Due to COVID spikes and the current weather not comfortably permitting most outdoor events, many activities will be paused or held virtually this month. Please be on the lookout for Bunco Night, Ladies’ and Lads’ Nights, Lunch Bunch, and more to return again at a later date! 

December 2021 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

We hope you all had a fun-filled Thanksgiving and got a chance to enjoy some of our November events. We were so excited to bring Bunco Night back and are looking forward to getting Lunch Bunch geared back up as well. Both the ladies and the lads have nights out, plus we have a couple of holiday special events planned for this month.
Look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events, and we wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!

We always welcome your ideas and feedback. Any questions or comments, feel free to email us at or post ideas/thoughts to the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group.

Your Newcomers & Neighbors Board

Upcoming Events

Ladies’ Night
Thursday, December 9 at 7pm

Join the ladies of LNN again at Revolution Hall (along the Minuteman Bikeway, 3 Maguire Road).

We will order some shared bites for the group. Drink cards and additional food may be purchased individually. 

Please RSVP to Saskia to ensure we are able to communicate any info as necessary.

Lads’ Night
Thursday, December 9 at 7pm

Don your favorite ugly sweater and join the Lex Mecs at Waxy O’Connor’s for their December outing. To receive further details, email Derek to be added to the Lex Mecs distribution list.

Cookie Swap
Friday, December 10, 10am-1pm

Hurry up and get your favorite cookies in the oven for the cookie swap! Please plan to bring 2 dozen cookies to share (in small bags for easy swapping if possible), and take others’ creations home with you in exchange. Email Pam by December 9th to RSVP and receive details.

Lunch Bunch
Monday, December 13 at 11:30am

Lunch Bunch is back!! Please join us at Concord’s Colonial Inn at 11:30am to enjoy lunch and festive conversation. Email our new lunch bunch host, Carol, by December 9th to RSVP.

Book Club
Thursday, December 16 at 7pm

Join us for some holiday cheer and lively conversation of this month’s book club selection, Less by Andrew Sean Greer, on Thursday, December 16th, 2021.

Winner of the Pulitzer Price and New York Times Notable Book of 2017

Who says you can’t run away from your problems? You are a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the mail: your boyfriend of the past nine years is engaged to someone else. You can’t say yes–it would be too awkward–and you can’t say no–it would look like defeat. On your desk are a series of invitations to half-baked literary events around the world.

QUESTION: How do you arrange to skip town?

ANSWER: You accept them all.

What would possibly go wrong? Arthur Less will almost fall in love in Paris, almost fall to his death in Berlin, barely escape to a Moroccan ski chalet from a Saharan sandstorm, accidentally book himself as the (only) writer-in-residence at a Christian Retreat Center in Southern India, and encounter, on a desert island in the Arabian Sea, the last person on Earth he wants to face. Somewhere in there: he will turn fifty. Through it all, there is his first love. And there is his last.

Because, despite all these mishaps, missteps, misunderstandings and mistakes, Less is, above all, a love story.

RSVP by December 15th  to  Once you RSVP, we will send you the address of our host home the day before the meeting.

Holiday Sip & Stroll
Friday, December 17, 7-9pm

Join us for warm drinks at a LNN member’s backyard 7-8pm, then stroll through the neighborhood to see all the beautiful holiday lights 8-9pm. Email Lara to RSVP, and she will share specific details, including location to meet, closer to the event. Pro tip: Bring a mug you can hold to drink from, that also keeps your fingers warm on the walk!

Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:30am

Weekly location will be sent to the walking group email distribution prior to the hike. Please reach out to Debbie with questions!