Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,
We hope you all enjoyed the holidays! LNN is a wonderful, welcoming community. We have a wide variety of events planned to accomodate different tastes and schedules for this coming year. Check out what’s coming up and hope to see you soon!
Also, beginning this month we will start including future activity dates, so you’ll have plenty of time to plan ahead.
Katie and Pam (Co-Presidents)
January Activities
Walking Group
Tuesdays at 9:00am
Walking group is going strong! Come out on a Tuesday and join us. Walks are about an hour to an hour-and-a-half in length. Email Claire at clairenedham@gmail.com to be added to the email group and receive the weekly walk details which are typically sent out the night before.
Book Club
Thursday, January 9 at 7:30pm
Our book for January, Circe by Madeline Miller, is a #1 New York Times bestseller and has been named one of the best books of the year by over twenty-five different publications and organizations. Circe is both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female goddess from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right. With unforgettably vivid characters, mesmerizing language and page-turning suspense, Circe is a triumph of storytelling, an intoxicating epic of family rivalry, palace intrigue, love and loss, as well as a celebration of indomitable female strength in a man’s world.
RSVP: email Priya at priyanpatel@yahoo.com before Tuesday, January 7th. Location details will be sent out the day before to those able to attend. Members are kindly asked to bring a bottle of wine or an appetizer to share.
Trivia Night
Monday, January 13 at 6:30pm
Join us in a friendly pub quiz / trivia competition hosted by Kings Bowl in Burlington. Join team LNN to socialize and answer random trivia questions. We play in teams of six, with absolutely no pressure to get correct answers! There is no fee to play; purchase food and drinks at your own discretion. Note that this is a co-ed event – men and women are welcome, come single or as a couple.
Arrive at 6:30pm so we can get organized into teams and order food/drinks. Gameplay begins at 7:00pm.
Where: Kings Bowl, 52 Second Ave., Burlington (across from Wegmans)
RSVP: email Susan at sqwilmes@yahoo.com
Lunch Bunch
Wednesday, January 15 at 12:00pm
Join us for the first lunch bunch of 2020 at the lovely Cafe Escadrille in Burlington. Its stunning architecture has all the warmth and charm of an elegant country estate complete with the Grand Parlor’s magnificent stone fireplace. The lunch menu features the very best of New England fare – food and traditional dishes that have been valued for generations.
Where: Cafe Escadrille, 26 Cambridge St, Burlington
RSVP: email Kim at kimwcramer@gmail.com
Bunco (& Left-Right-Center)
Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00pm
Bunco Night is an opportunity for the ladies of LNN to get together and socialize. The focus is on meeting people and having fun – the game itself is very simple and easy to learn. So if you have never played before, don’t worry! It’s especially great for people new to LNN because you’ll be put at a table with 4 people and then you rotate tables all night, so you’ll have to chance to meet lots of people.
Bring: $5 ante for Bunco; $3 for L-R-C (exact amount appreciated!); and a beverage or snack to share
RSVP: email Jyoti at jyotijustin.realtor@gmail.com or Deepa at deepagajaria@gmail.com for location details and if you have any questions
Coffee Talk
Wednesday, January 29, 10:00am-12:00pm
Start your day off with coffee and conversation with your LNN friends, old and new! Feel free to bring along a friend or neighbor who may be interested in learning more about LNN.
Host: Jyoti Justin
No RSVP: Just drop in! Any questions, email Netice at netice71@yahoo.com
Men’s Pub Night
Thursday, January 23 at 7:30pm
Mark your calendars for the first Men’s Pub Night of the decade!
Where: Common Ground, 319 Broadway, Arlington
Questions: email Norm at normrichter@comcast.net, no RSVP necessary
Stretching Pilates & Lunch
Monday, January 27 at 11:00am
Join us for a free Introductory Pilates class to start off the New Year followed by lunch. We will be limited to 20 participants, so RSVP soon!
Where: 11:00-11:50am Club Pilates, 43 Middlesex Tpke, Burlington; 12:00-2:00pm lunch at Burtons (right next door)
RSVP: email Angela at jammbenson@sbcglobal.net
Save the Date
New for 2020, in addition to the current month events listed above, we’re also giving you a head’s up on events for the subsequent month. So mark your calendars!
February 6 – Ladies’ Pub Night
February 11 – Book Club
February 12 – Coffee Talk
February 27 – Lunch Bunch, Men’s Pub Night
February 29 – Mardi Gras Party!!
Photo Gallery

Annual holiday party…and just happened to coincide with Banu’s birthday!

Community happenings
Lexington’s 7th Annual MLK Day of Service
Join the Lexington community on Monday, January 20, 2020 in reflection and celebration of Dr. King’s legacy. Social action, educational events, opportunities for meaningful conversations and much more are part of a full day of activities. Take an impactful break from your ski day, shake those winter chills and participate any of the various family-friendly volunteer activities to serve those less fortunate!
To sign up to volunteer and for more info visit http://www.lexingtonmlk.org/.
“Small Yet Mighty” Winter Farmer’s Market
The Lexington Farmer’s Market is a producer-only market, ensuring that what you find is fresh and local, sustainably raised and carefully crafted. Each week, there will be ten farmers and vendors on-site, offering items for breakfast to dinner and everything in between. Visit our website for more information.
Where: The Waldorf School, 739 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington.
When: Every other Saturday, January 4 – April 11 from 11:00am-2:00pm (Jan 4 & 18, Feb 1, 15, & 29, Mar 14 & 28, Apr 11)